Tenant Handbook

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Tenant Rules and Regulations

Tenant Rules and Regulations
Fountainhead Heights
Tempe, Arizona
The term “Tenant” as used herein includes the Tenant’s officers, agents, contractors, employees, licensees, and invitees.  The term “Premises” refers to the defined premises in the Tenant’s lease.
If Tenant requests wiring for an access control system, such wiring shall be installed by a Landlord approved electrician.
Tenant shall not cause or permit any foul or noxious gas or other odors to be produced upon or permeate from the Premises.
Animals are not permitted in the Building or the Premises unless they are service animals as defined under the Americans with Disabilities Act. 
Bicycles, skateboards, roller skates, in-line skates, scooters are not permitted to be inside the Building, elevators or on the walkways outside the Building.
Motorized vehicles (excluding motorized wheelchairs) are not permitted inside the Building, except in areas designated by Landlord.
Tenant may bring bicycles into the Premises so long as the bicycles are transported in the Building’s freight elevator, are walked (not ridden) in the hallways and the bicycle tires are wiped off so the tires do not leave tracks on the floors or carpets in the lobbies or hallways. If a secure bicycle parking area exists at the Building for use in common by tenants of the Building, Tenant shall be entitled to use of the same, subject to the applicable rules and regulations imposed thereon by Landlord.
Landlord may deny access to any portions of the Building or the Premises if the individual is not in compliance with Landlord’s Visitor Access Program. Subject to applicable law, Landlord shall in no case be liable for damages for any error with regard to the admission to, or exclusion from, the Building of any person.  Further, in the event of civil unrest or any other emergency situation, Landlord reserves the right to prevent access to all areas of the Building, as necessary, to mitigate the risk of damage to person or property. Such actions may include closing and locking the doors to the Building. 
Subject to the terms of the Lease as to the handling of permitted hazardous materials, Tenant shall not use or keep in the Premises or the Building any kerosene, gasoline, or flammable or combustible fluid or material, nor use any method of heating or air conditioning other than provided by Landlord or agreed to by Landlord pursuant to the provisions of the Lease.
No cooking shall be done or permitted by Tenant in the Premises, except that Tenant may maintain and use in the breakroom/kitchen area microwave ovens, toaster ovens and equipment for brewing coffee, tea, hot chocolate and similar beverages, provided that Tenant shall (i) prevent the emission of any food or cooking odor from leaving the Premises, (ii) be solely responsible for cleaning the areas where such equipment is located, (iii) maintain and use such areas solely for Tenant’s employees and business invitees, not as public facilities, and (iv) keep the Premises free of vermin and other pest infestation.   
Corridor doors, when not in use, shall be kept closed and free of obstructions. 
Tenant shall not overload the floor of the Premises or mark, drive nails, screw or drill into the partitions, woodwork or plaster or in any way deface the Premises or any part thereof; provided, however, that Tenant may hang on the walls of the Premises artwork, whiteboards and other items typically hung in office premises using nails, hooks or other devices reasonably approved by Landlord for such purposes.
Landlord reserves the right to exclude or expel from the Building any person who, in the judgment of Landlord, is intoxicated or under the influence of liquor or drugs, or who shall in any manner act in violation of any of the Rules and Regulations. 
Tenant shall not place any locks or bolts (or alter any locks or bolts already in place) on any interior or exterior door in the Premises or Building without Landlord's prior written consent, and Landlord shall have the right at all times to retain and use keys or other access codes or devices to all locks within and into the Premises.
Upon the expiration or termination of the lease, Tenant shall return all Building issued keys to Landlord.  If Tenant loses any previously issued key or passcard, Tenant shall pay the standard replacement charge to replace the same.  
Tenant shall make prior arrangements with Landlord for use of the freight elevator for the purpose of moving heavy articles, large deliveries, or other items that are not appropriate for the passenger elevators. Deliveries shall occur during hours approved by Landlord and in accordance with the scheduling procedures for the freight elevator. Landlord reserves the right to inspect and, where deemed appropriate by Landlord, to open, freight coming into the Building and to exclude from entering the Building any freight that is in violation of any of these Rules and Regulations and any freight for which such inspection is not permitted. Tenant shall not cause the freight elevator to be loaded beyond rated capacities. 
The passenger elevator cars are designed solely to move people between floors of the Building. These cars are not intended to be used for freight or mail delivery unless coordinated specifically with Landlord for such use, in which case, special requirements/protection may be required. 
Landlord’s janitorial staff shall not be hindered from cleaning the Premises after 5:30PM on business days. The janitorial staff shall not clean occupied areas if it will create a disturbance to Tenant. 
Unless expressly permitted by the Lease, Tenant shall not employ any person other than Landlord’s contractors for the purpose of cleaning, maintaining and/or repairing the Premises.
Tenant shall comply with the Building’s recycling guidelines. Electronic waste (E-waste) must not be disposed of in the Building’s trash or recycling stream. E-waste must be collected and disposed of via an EPA certified e-waste recycler. 
Landlord shall not be responsible for any loss, theft, disappearance of, or damage to, personal property in the Premises, however occurring.
Tenant shall not generate any objectional noise, vibration, or other offensive conduct that interferes with the rights of the other tenants of the Building.
Sidewalks, doorways, vestibules, halls, stairways and other similar areas shall not be obstructed by Tenant or used by Tenant for any purpose other than ingress and egress to and from the Premises. No rubbish, litter, trash, or material shall be placed, emptied, or thrown in those areas. 
Plumbing fixtures and appliances shall be used only for the purposes for which designed and the expense of any breakage, stoppage or damage resulting from the violation of this rule shall be borne by the tenant.
Tenants are prohibited from installing any equipment in any riser room, utility and equipment rooms or any other rooms not leased to Tenant without Landlord’s prior written approval.  
Landlord may from time to time implement systems and procedures for the security and safety of the Building, the property and occupants and Tenant shall comply with the same. Tenants are responsible for life safety inside their respective Premises and must comply with all Building life safety programs, fire drills, and emergency preparedness programs.
Signs, advertisements or notices shall not be painted or affixed to windows, doors or other parts of the Building or placed outside of tenant space without prior Landlord approval. Unless otherwise expressly provided in the Lease, Tenant shall be entitled to have the name of Tenant's company listed on (a) the Building directory situated in the lobby of the Building (if such a directory exists), and (b) the Tenant directory on each floor of the Building where the Premises are located, with the cost of any changes to Tenant’s name on the directory during the Lease term to be at Tenant’s cost.  
Unless otherwise expressly provided in the Lease, all tenant identification and suite numbers at the entrance to the Premises shall be installed by Landlord using the standard graphics for the Building. 
Tenants shall not smoke or permit smoking anywhere in the Building (including the Premises) or on the property, except in any Landlord-designated smoking area outside the Building. Smoking includes e cigarette, electronic cigarette, personal vaporizer or electronic nicotine delivery system.
Canvassing, selling, soliciting, and distribution of handbills or any other written materials in the Building is prohibited, and Tenant shall cooperate to prevent the same.
Vending machines, water coolers and coffee machines may be installed within the Premises only if the equipment and manner of installation is in accordance with the Building requirements and operational standards as defined in the Building’s Conditions for Construction and Tenant Construction Standards. 
All contractors or vendors, performing work in the Building shall be subject to Landlord's prior approval, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld, and shall be required to comply with the Vendor Rules and Regulations and the Construction Standards.
Weapons are prohibited in all areas of the Building and the Real Property. 
Landlord shall have the right to designate and approve any curtains, blinds, shades or screens attached to or used in connection with any door or window of the Premises.  Except for such approved coverings, nothing shall be attached to or hung on the windows or placed in windowsills of the Premises.
The Rules and Regulations may be modified or amended by Landlord from time to time.  The Rules and Regulations are supplemental to the executed leases in the Building, provided that, IN THE EVENT OF ANY CONFLICT BETWEEN THE RULES AND REGULATIONS AND A TENANT’S WRITTEN LEASE, THE APPLICABLE TERMS OF THE LEASE SHALL CONTROL.